Tuesday, April 13, 2010


She woke up suddenly with an immense headache.  A gray light seeped through the shades and pooled on the floor and throughout the room.  She glanced at the alarm clock.  5:34am.  A shiver flew up from her lower spine to the back of her neck, causing her whole body to convulse for a split second.  She peeled the covers back, and slowly swung her legs over the side of her bed. Her bare feet made contact with the floor; she quickly pulled them back up as the cold from the wood floor burned on the bottom of her feet.  She quickly walked to the bathroom to grab some Advil and a glass of water.  She tossed three pills in her mouth, took a swig of water, and started walking back to her bed.  As she walked past the door to the hallway, she thought she saw a shadow out of the corner of her eye. She glanced again, but couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary.  She figured maybe it was Tariq, her Siamese cat.  She started back to bed, but saw that Tariq was curled up on the comforter at the end of the bed. Puzzled and curious she turned around again back towards the door.  She walked towards the hallway, but as soon as she set her foot onto the carpet, an immense pain shot out from the middle of her head. She felt like a nuclear bomb had gone off in her sinuses, all she could see was white, and then everything faded to black as she crumpled in the doorway of her bedroom