Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My Life in The Knife Trade

My Life In The Knife Trade

The door slammed. She ran down the four cracked and crumbling cement steps to the sidewalk. The street and cement were still wet from that evening’s downpour. She stumbled over a chunk of cement from the bottom stair and crashed onto the cement. She got up to brush herself off, and noticed her knee was bleeding.
“You stupid jackassed motherfucker!”
she screamed, and picked up her right shoe which fell off in the stumble, and threw it at his door.
“Fix your goddamn stairs!”
She took off her other shoe, then fished her keys out of purse. He came running out.
“What the fuck Nicole?? What is your issue?”
“MY issue?!? Are you fucking kidding me?!?!? Go fuck yourself Tony.”
A neighbor tried to open her window discreetly to listen to the argument. Nicole threw her other shoe at the window. It startled Mrs. Koch, but bounced harmlessly into the bushes below. Mrs. Koch yelled at both of them.
“I’m going to call the cops.”
Nicole scoffed.
“Do that, maybe this jackass will finally get what’s coming to him.”
She walked to her car barefoot and bleeding from her knee, and got in. She started the car, and drove off, leaving Tony in the middle of the street looking confused.

A police car turned onto his street.
“Just fucking great.” He mumbled. “Thanks Mrs. Koch. See if I shovel your steps this winter.”

1 comment:

  1. what the shit.. why does it delete my comments.

    Love it - it's raw & real. I'd maybe use 'pavement' instead of the last 'cement' at the beginning - lots of cement going on, but it creates an awesomely real picture. Would be a great portion to a screen play.
